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JUNE 2018 MS NEWS- Yarrow And Cannabis To Manage Symptoms, New Therapies & More

Herbs/ Supplements/ Natural Therapies


The Benefits of Sun/ Vitamin D


“Sexual function recovery is no less important than any other aspects of functional rehabilitation from a  disabling disease or injury”, say Italian researchers in this study that explores sexual dysfunctions associated with MS. There are three types of sexual dysfunctions: 1. Directly due to MS/neurological deficits 2. Secondary (to physical impairments, fatigue, spasticity, other symptoms) and 3. Caused by psychological and social factors (ie having a chronic disability).

It is great to see this study that brings awareness to sexual dysfunction and the need of treating it. Improving sexual health should be part of reversing MS, as it is linked with so many benefits including emotional well-being, improving immune system, heart, lymphatic system, the muscles and so much more. Sexual dysfunction study


Psychological profile

People with MS appear to have higher levels of alexithymia (personality trait characterized by difficulties identifying and describing feelings), as well as depression and anxiety when compared with control group, according to this study. Note: I think any form of mind- body therapy (meditation, yoga, tai chi, regular exercise) can significantly help with all these psychological changes.

New  and Old Theories

New theory about MS development


New Therapies



The good:

The bad:


Adverse reactions from drugs: 



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