If you take this drug, remain calm, book an appointment with your doctor asap and ask for alternative therapy. Do not stop this medication on your own.
European Medicines Agency had an “urgent review” of Zinbryta following seven cases of serious brain disorders in Germany, including encephalitis and meningoencephalitis, and Spain.
You need to always look at the risks and benefits, and drugs like Daclizumab are clearly more dangerous than beneficial.
Alemtuzumab may be the next MS drug to be withdrawn from the market. More and more side effects had been reported- I mentioned some of them in my monthly review of the news here. I see serious issues with Natalizumab,too- check out this report.
I suspect Ocrelizumab will be the withdrawn in the future as well. Don’ t know when, it was approved just last year for the treatment of MS,- but I know the history of this drug that had been labeled the “almost cure for MS”……while several trials with this drug had been terminated as “the overall benefit to risk profile of ocrelizumab was not favorable in rheumatoid arthritis. Some participants of these studies died unexpectedly in the ocrelizumab group of the trials. If is too dangerous for people with rheumatoid arthritis, how come is so safe and effective for MS?
Older drugs like Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone) are still the best option if you consider the risk/benefits ratio- in case you you are looking for a prescription MS drug.