The fall season has officially started and for many of us, the weather is changing. Perfect time to write a quick article about:
Why Do We Get Sick When It’s Cold?
My Favorite Top 3 Supplements For Preventing and Recovering Fast From Colds and Flu.: L.salivarius, Rhodiola and Vitamin D
An Answer To The Question: How To Cure Flu Fast Without Medicine?
Other Supplements, Diet and More
Let’s Not Forget The Basics
Did You Know?
1. Why Do We Get Sick When It’s Cold?
Quite easy to catch a cold or the flu during this time of the year. You know why? The simple answer is: the viruses responsible for colds and flu are stronger and we are weaker.
There are around 200 types of viruses that can cause colds and flu (rhinovirus, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and parainfluenza, and more) and many of them like the cold weather, that’s the time when they reproduce more efficiently.
On the other hand, our bodies are under some stress, they are weaker than usual. We need time to adjust to cooler temperature. Generally speaking, it takes a few weeks to adjust to cold, and a lot less to warmer temperature (temperature dysregulation in MS is another story, I will cover it in another blog post).
In addition, we spend less time outdoors, and we have less exposure to sun rays. Spending more time indoors, in crowded places with heating systems also make a favorable environment for these viruses to spread. Add some stress -whether emotional or physical (like traveling by plane) and you even further increase the risk of catching a cold or the flu.
Consider also the two big reasons why you want to avoid the colds/flu:
Reason nr 1. The obvious- you won’t have to spend time in bed, feeling sick and miserable.
Reason number 2. Think about others- you may get a mild cold or flu, but you can spread the infection to someone older, or with a weaker immune system — and that person may get severe symptoms.
Flu shots are available everywhere. I see was more risk than benefits, therefore I never use or recommended them to anyone.
2.My Favorite Top 3 Supplements For Preventing and Recovering Fast From Colds and Flu: Lactobacillus salivarius K12, Rhodiola and Vitamin D.
There are effective, natural ways you can stay away from colds and flu this season. I offer individualized natural therapies for cold and flu prevention and management. In this blog, I will just cover some of the most important things and supplements you could consider during the cold seasons. The supplements that I will talk about will help prevent a cold or flu. And if you already got the infection, they will help you recover very quickly.
L salivarius K12. This friendly probiotic L salivarius (lactobacillus salivarius also known as streptococcus salivarius) starts to populate the mouth, throat and respiratory tract within a few days when we are born for a very good reason- it is essential to our health, and supports the immune system (both natural and acquired immune system). Yet, most of us do not have enough. L salivarius has strong antimicrobial effects and provides a first line defense against microbes from the environment as populates the key entry points- mouth and nose). Note: should not be used by those who are immunocompromised or who take strong immunosuppressive drugs. For prevention: take one tablet (1 billion per tablet) once or twice a day during the cold seasons. At the first symptoms of a cold/flu: 3 tablets once or twice a day for 2-3 days.
Rhodiola. I prefer Rhodiola over other adaptogens (ie Ashwagandha, Brahmi). It makes you stronger; it helps you cope with both physical and emotional stress, so you can handle everything better, not just the viruses responsible for colds and flu. While it works all year round, it seems to specifically help you adapt to cold weather. I wrote here about how this plant created substances to protect itself from extreme cold, harsh environments. It seems to pass these benefits to those using it as well. It also has an excellent safety profile and can be used along with many prescription drugs. For prevention: 500 mg once a day during the cold seasons; at the first symptoms of a cold or flu: 500 mg twice daily.
Vitamins D. Vitamin D helps prevent and manage colds and flu. For more details check out this article from Harvard University: “Study confirms vitamin D protects against colds and flu”
More importantly, we should look beyond studies and consider the physiology of vitamin D, as we understand it now. Vitamin D for colds and flu dosage: it depends. A blood test could be helpful. If you take daily 1000 IU, you should double the dose during the cold seasons. At the first signs of a cold or flu, a 5000 IU could help.
3.An answer to the very popular question: How To Cure Flu Fast Without Medicine?
I don’t like the word “cure.” Instead, I say “recovery” or” resolution “ of symptoms. How can you recover super fast from the flu? A simple vitamin- Vitamin D can be the answer. Some researchers achieved great results (complete resolution of flu symptoms within 48-72 hours) with high doses-like 1-time 50 000 IU doses or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. I have used in the past 10,000 UI daily and saw quick recovery from colds and flu. Now I prefer vitamin D in lower doses, in combination with other supplements.
Note. Doses up to 10000 IU are considered safe, as your skin makes about 10,000 IU when exposed to sunlight (if you have fair skin you would need 20-30 minutes exposure to the sun, without sunscreen and most body uncovered). You can find 10,000 UI per tablet over the counter in the US. However, I recommend medical advice if you consider taking anything above 5000 UI.
I will give you a second answer to the question about how to recover quickly from flu without medicine- low-intensity light therapy. It is also one of my favorite therapy at all times. Many devices out there, so I will tell you the one that I have experience with. I had been using Bioptron (Zepter brand) for myself for almost three decades when I needed, whether at the first signs of a cold or flu, for sports injuries or to improve skin health. In practice, I started to use it in 2005. Dr. Gabriela Vanta, MD- a great pediatrician and mother, was the first person to introduce me to this therapy.
The regular light can be applied on your throat or forehead, or the colored filters at acupuncture or reflexology points. This particular soft laser had been researched extensively- for example, Russian pediatricians have proven that Bioptron helps prevent diseases in 60% of cases during the flu epidemic. When used at the first sign of illness, it promotes quick regression of the symptoms decreases the risk of complications up to 2 times. One single treatment with Bioptron leads to complete recovery and significant improvement in 92% of the children, according to Dr. Zhevago, MD, Ph.D. Based on my clinical experience, I found it is highly effective in both children and adults.
Other health benefits of this particular type of light therapy include muscle and joint pain, anti-aging, wound healing and other skin conditions, SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) and sports injuries.
4. Other supplements to can be very helpful:
Vitamins C and B complex (both depleted during stress/illness, so you will need higher doses )
Minerals: zinc and magnesium along with a multimineral formula (or tissue salts)
Amino acids: lysine, taurine, NAC and ALCAR
Fish oil or krill oil
Other probiotics from lactobacilli/bifido species
Herbs: black elderberry extract (Sambucas Nigra), olive leaf extract, black seed (ground seeds or oil), aged garlic (Kyolic brand) really work. (I do not recommend Echinacea or Panax ginseng -both quite effective but potentially unsafe in cases of autoimmunity as they can overstimulate the immune system).
Diet- keep it clean (avoid processed foods or excess sugar), and drink plenty of warm/hot fluids (at least 2-3 cups of tea and a bowl or two of soup). Bone broth (if you don’t have issues with histamine), chicken or fish (head) soups are all great options because you need extra proteins when you are sick. A veggie/fruit fresh juice will add essential nutrients to your diet. Eating in season fruits and veggies are even more nutrient-rich, easier to digest and more beneficial for your gut microbiome. Organic, of course. You can also increase the amount of healthy fats during the cold seasons, and even more at the first signs of a cold or flu. Good options include extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and fatty fish.
Other essential lifestyle changes: reduce stress (with yoga, meditation, and exercise), and sleep well (sleep more, and take a day off if needed to get rest).
4. Let’s not forget the basics.
Wash your hands with soap and water. As often as possible. It really works.
Wear a disposable mask. Way more effective than the flu shot. A mask is even more important when traveling (especially on a plane), or when you spend time in crowded places.
Hydrogen peroxide spray. A great alternative to hand sanitizer. Hydrogen peroxide as a broad antimicrobial effect and is particularly helpful to kill cold and flu viruses; in fact was effectively used during flu pneumonia epidemic following World War I (iv form). Some apply hydrogen peroxide in the ears at the first signs of a cold or flu. That works as well. L salivarius produces hydrogen peroxide, too (in addition to antimicrobials).
Keep your body warm. The most important part of the body that needs to stay warm is your throat. Wear a scarf, turtleneck tops regularly. At the first signs of a cold or flu make sure you have a warm scarf wrapped around your neck at all times, till the symptoms improve. Keep your head, feet, and hands warm as well.
Stay well hydrated. Dehydration is common during the cold seasons, it aggravates any illness (including colds and flu). Drinking enough water will prevent your nose and mouth to get dry and loosen any mucus. Add some lemon, or even better, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
Keep your nasal passages, clean and clear with a Netti Pot. For your mouth, use Neem or Triphala tea as a mouthwash or gargling (use them a few hours away from L salivarius or other probiotics).