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How To Increase Dopamine – Best Dopamine Supplements and Meds


Dopamine levels should be optimal, as both dopamine deficiency and dopamine excess can be detrimental. Read my other article about how important is dopamine for the brain, the low dopamine symptoms list  and the multiple sclerosis dopamine deficiency link.


Note: all the natural supplements and dietary changes described below would benefit everyone who wants a dopamine boost. They are also helpful for managing Parkinson’s  disease, since dopamine deficiency is the key problem in Parkinson’s.

Some cases of MS had been associated with dopamine deficiency -not as severe as in Parkinson’s but this shortage in dopa levels still has to be improved. I am exploring here the best dopamine supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes  as well as the medications that increase dopamine. 

You will find that  some supplements and therapies can help correct both dopamine and norepinephrine levels. Dopamine is a precursor of norepinephrine and both are involved in “fight or flight “reaction. Both dopamine and norepinephrine play a key role in your mood, cognitive function and attention. Dopamine is mostly involved in motivation/drive,  in  reward and pleasure behavior, appetite and sex control,  where norepinephrine boosts your energy levels, concentration and alertness.  


  1. Diet and Therapies that Boost Dopamine 

  2. Best Dopamine Supplements

  3. Medications That Increase Dopamine

  4. Coffee, Chocolate, Alcohol  and More


1. Diet and Lifestyle Changes To Increase Dopamine  : 

A. Dietary changes

Key ideas: Cut down on sugar, avoid excess saturated fats, excess alcohol and coffee.  Add more veggies, berries, high quality lean meats and fish to your diet.

One of the main reasons why sugar is so addictive is because it alters the brain chemistry, causing dopamine imbalances. It causes” sugar high” soon after you eat sugar rich foods [5].  Excessive sugar (as well as excessive alcohol and drugs like cocaine) will create dopamine deficiency making you crave more sugar (or alcohol, or drugs). Decreasing sugar intake can break this vicious cycle. Chromium supplements and cinnamon are just two examples of supplements that can help you deal with sugar cravings. 

Cut down on saturated fats : Saturated fats (animal products) can suppress dopamine signaling , where monounsaturated fats (ie olive oil, avocados) can help increase dopamine levels [5]. 

Do eat plenty of green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), berries(especially blueberries)  and cruciferous (cabbage brussel sprouts) – the plant chemicals from these foods can protect the brain, including the dopamine producing neurons [6],[7], [8]. Foods and supplements with antioxidant qualities are particularly helpful because oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of  dopamine dysfunction, whether a person is healthy or has neurodegeneration [11].

 Do eat foods high in tyrosine, PEA (Beta-phenylethylamine) and phenylalanine (all three are precursors of dopamine); meats (remember too many saturated fats aren’ t good- choose lean meats, skinless poultry), fish, seafood, beans, chocolate, banana, avocado.

Chocolate makes you feel good (and it is so addictive) because the PEA (although in some cases it is the sugar ,too). To use just the benefits of chocolate, you can have a small amount of dark chocolate (80% or more cocoa, no dairy added) every day.

Fasting increases dopamine release in an area of the brain called ventral tegmental area (VTA) [2].


B. Lifestyle changes 

Cut down on stress. Although an acute stressful reaction can trigger a dopamine boost, chronic stress leads to dopamine imbalances.

Improve your sleep . Unhealthy sleep patterns (especially REM stage of sleep) are associated with dopamine deficiency [9]. This happens because dopamine is a major neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of sleep, and sleep awake cycle [10].

Exercise: the  reason why exercise has antidepressant qualities is because it boosts several feel good chemicals, including  dopamine levels [3].

Meditation can also raise dopamine [4].

Cryotherapy is more effective to boost norepinephrine , and to lesser degree, dopamine [1] .

Vagal nerve stimulation: The relationship between depression, inflammation, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease (all these issues seen in cases of  dopa deficiency) might be mediated by the vagus nerve (cranial nerve nr X) [19], which works  closely with dopamine. In fact, stimulating vagus nerve can help reverse abnormal function of the dopamine system [20].


2. Best dopamine supplements

A. Best dopamine supplements (amino acids, vitamins and minerals)

To understand which are the best dopamine supplements, consider first the precursors and cofactors involved in dopamine synthesis.

Phenylalanine? Tyrosine? L-DOPA? Dopamine? Norepinephrine? Epinephrine (Adrenaline) 

1. Phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is available in three forms: DL, D, and L Phenylalanine. L-Phenylalanine form is  mostly used to form tyrosine. D-phenylalanine is the mirror form of L-phenylalanine and is created in laboratory (phenylalanine from foods is in L form). DL is a combination of D, and L Phenylalanine

Best sources of phenylalanine are protein rich foods like meats (especially chicken, turkey, duck, wild game), eggs, fish and seafood, dairy (healthier option: goat, sheep buffalo dairy, goat whey protein powder),  beans (healthier option would be to pressure cook them) legumes, banana, chocolate, coffee, some seeds and nuts. Collagen powder supplements also contain amino acids, including phenylalanine and tyrosine.


2.Beta-phenylethylamine (beta-PEA). PEA is another precursor of dopa . PEA can be synthesized from L-phenylalanine although a large portion of phenylalanine is converted to l-tyrosine . PEA is able to cross blood brain barrier [11and increase the  brain dopamine levels [12]. Parkinson s disease characterized by dopamine deficiency is associated with low levels of plasma beta-PEA [13]. Beta-PEA has anti depressants effects and can help improve attention and learning .

PEA is available in supplement form but it’s worth looking into natural ways to increase PEA: chocolate, falling in love and moderate exercise [14].

3. Tyrosine –  choose the N-acetyl L tyrosine form, as will help convert more into dopamine (while L-tyrosine form is converted more into norepinephrine ). I covered the major benefits of tyrosine here

4. Vitamin B6 (p-5-p). Vitamin B6 acts as a cofactor in the conversion of L-dopa to dopamine. B6 is available in different forms p-5-p is the active coenzyme form of vitamin B6.  Vitamin B6 is involved in more than 100 enzyme reactions, including protein,carb and fat metabolism, for brain health, and is also involved in the immune function.  The richest sources of vitamin B6 include fish, beef liver and other organ meats and starchy vegetables .

5. Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can decrease levels of dopamine. Interestingly, magnesium deficiency is also linked with food cravings (especially high sugar high salt foods), as well as depressed mood, muscle pains and fatigue [15]. I covered the major benefits of magnesium here

6. Selenium . Selenium is a vital mineral for the brain, being involved in motor skills, coordination, memory and cognition. Selenium also has a significant  impact on neurotransmitters especially dopamine, GABA and acetylcholine [16]. Selenium has antioxidant and anti inflammatory qualities. Supplementation with selenium can help  protect substantia nigra (which contains dopa producing neurons) against damage and degeneration and improve dopamine pathways [17].

7. Antioxidant supplements (there are many !) Dopamine producing  neurons are extremely  sensitive to free radicals (oxidative damage). This means that all antioxidant supplements can support healthy levels of dopamine.

B. Best dopamine supplements- Herbs

Green tea (Camellia sinensis), red wine (Vitis vinifera), arctic root (Rhodiola rosea) could be used along with prescription medication and enhance the effects of the meds. They have antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory qualities, and promote healthy blood flow and neuron growth in substantia nigra, and may reduce autoimmunity.

Technical :  The bioactive components of these herbs  show neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-proteinopathies, neural-vasodilation, anti-inflammatory, and iron chelating potential. They may treat the disease at the cellular level by reducing  microglia activation, decreasing  damage from free radicals, , helping  correct protein folding, chelating iron, raise the blood flow to the substantia nigra, and promoting dopaminergic cell growth [22].

Mucuna Puriens naturally contains up to 5 % of  L-Dopa (levodopa), the precursor of dopamine. Mucuna can cross the blood brain barrier and raise the levels of dopamine in the brains. It appears to be as effective (but safer) than the Levodopa prescription drug [23].

L-theanine,  one of the major amino acid components in green tea can also help the release of dopamine in the brain [24]. L-theanine was found to raise the dopamine, as well as serotonin and GABA levels, in addition to increasing mental performance and neuroprotection [25].

The cons of using herbs : some have immunostimulant qualities thus may aggravate symptoms of  MS in some people. Like any herb, they can also cause allergic reactions in some (susceptible) people.

Possible side effects: overall  great safety profile and side effects are usually mild:  dizziness, dry mouth, sleep problems, jittery (with Rhodiola); headache, dizziness, and digestive problems (with L-theanine), nausea, itching, dizziness, stomach upset, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, cough, and rash (Vitis vinifera) ; headache, dizziness, and digestive symptoms for green tea (higher than recommended dosage can be toxic for the liver).


3. Medications That Increase Dopamine

The SNDRI (Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors) is a class of antidepressants.  Bupropion may be recommended for depression or fatigue associated with MS [26]. For Bupropion side effects click here.


The following drugs are used for dopamine deficiency in Parkinson’s. Some showed some benefits for MS as well. It is possible to see some of them in the future used for MS. These drugs should be used in severe cases of dopamine deficiency only (while the natural supplements are helpful in mild to moderate deficiencies). 

1.Levodopa is considered the most effective for treating Parkinson s disease because can pass the blood brain barrier and convert to dopamine. Carbidopa is usually combined with levodopa because protects levodopa from being converted to quick to dopamine, and cal also reduce some side effects (ie nausea). Carbidopa also increases serotonin levels and had been researched for EAE (animal model of MS) [27].For side effects check here .

2.Dopamine agonists  (pramipexole, ropinirole, rotigotine, apomorphine )not increase the dopamine levels but rather mimic the effects of dopamine on the brain .Less effective, but their action  lasts longer compared with levodopa. Pramipexole showed benefits in EAE (the animal model of MS)- may be researched in the future for managing MS [28].For side effects of dopa agonists  check here, here, here  and here


3.MAO-B inhibitors :  selegiline and rasagiline  prevent the breakdown of brain dopamine by inhibiting the brain enzyme monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B, which metabolizes the brain dopamine ). Side effects here

4.COMT inhibitors- Entacapone – prolongs a little bit  the effect of levodopa therapy by blocking an enzyme that breaks down dopamine. COMT inhibitors could provide benefits for patients with MS, according to a study [29]. For side effects click here.


4. Coffee, Alcohol and More

Caffeine and alcohol (even in low doses)  will boost dopamine levels [18], [19]. However,  keep in mind that excessive coffee can deplete the levels of this neurotransmitter.

Nicotine patches can help symptoms associated with dopamine deficiency in Parkinson’s [20]. Chronic  use of cannabis is also detrimental, as it  blunts dopamine synthesis and dopamine release capacity,according to a systematic review of 25 studies [21].


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