Do Tissue Salts Work ? Tissue Salts Review
Everyone knows that minerals are essential micronutrients to our health. Minerals are inorganic substances found in soil and rocks. Your body gets these minerals from foods- from eating plants that absorb them from the earth and by eating meat from animals, which consume plants. Without minerals your body could not repair or build new tissue, contract and relax muscles, transmit nerve impulses, clot blood, maintain optimal pH, keep your heart beating and your immune system healthy. Summary Tissue Salts Benefits The 12 Tissue Salts Benefits -A Brief Description Tissue Salts Benefits for MS…. Do Tissue Salts Work? My Tissue Salts Review — Pros and Cons of Tissue Salts 1.Tissue Salts Benefits One of the first doctors who researched and truly understood the benefits of minerals was Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler, a prominent MD, physiological chemist and physicist of the late nineteenth century. He was well ahead of his time (and our time as well, I must say). He was unsatisfied with the medical treatments at this time- conventional medicine was using “strong drugs, poisons and nauseous chemicals” and homeopathic medicine was safe, but required too many remedies for a specific condition). As a practicing physician, he was able to put his theories to the test, creating an effective, yet simple form of therapy called Biochemistry- the chemistry of living tissues. Dr. Schüssler formulated four simple principles of biochemistry, which were...
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