Brahmi-Gotu Kola Benefits For Brain, Sleep and Skin. Gotu Kola Dosage and Safety
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is a close relative of Bacopa Monnieri, and they are both called Brahmi. They share many benefits, both promoting brain health- but also have distinct qualities. I wrote about Bacopa here. This blog is about Gotu kola benefits, dosage and safety. Gotu Kola Benefits- Traditional Use Gotu Kola Benefits For Brain And Sleep Gotu Kola Benefits For Skin And Circulation Gotu Kola Benefits For Gut Health More Gotu Kola Benefits : Antimicrobial, Anti inflammatory, Painkiller Gotu Kola Warnings Gotu Kola Preparations (Including Gotu Kola Tea) and Gotu Kola Dosage Gotu Kola Benefits For Ayurveda/Yoga Lovers 1.Gotu Kola Benefits- Traditional Use Gotu Kola had been used in Ayurveda (Indian) system of medicine for over 3000 years. It is also a highly regarded herb in Chinese Medicine, being known as one of the “miracle elixirs of life.” It is a powerful brain tonic. Besides its action on the nervous system, is also helps improve digestive, skin, hair and joint health. It acts as a diuretic and helps improve the female urinary and reproductive system. Both Bacopa and Gotu Kola help open the mind and boost clarity, memory, intellect, focus and concentration. They promote a balanced, peaceful mind, energy during the day and deep, restful sleep at night. Both support healthy circulation (blood and lymph), skin, hair health and digestion. Both have strong anti-aging benefits. Gotu kola also...
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