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13% Of All Cancer Caused By Treatable Infections. How To Prevent& Manage Infection Nr #1 On The List.

You don’t think of cancer as being contagious, do you? It’s time to reconsider this idea.

Here are some stats, from this new article published on Jan 20, 2020, in Medscape. Roughly 13% of all cancer cases in 2018, which means about 2.2 million cancer cases- may be attributable to infections, concludes this new global survey. On top of the list: 

Let’s focus on H pylori infections because it is very common- as many as 50% of North-Americans have this infection.  It is not tested or treated unless it causes symptoms- and guess what…. most people do not have symptoms! 

While I agree on the fact that antibiotics should not be used when there are no symptoms (to avoid overusing these prescription meds and reduce the risk of H pylori strains resistant to antibiotics), I highly recommend eliminating H pylori overgrowth with natural supplements. 

Now, for H pylori infections associated with symptoms: I can tell from my own experience that when you get symptoms they can have a huge impact on your life. Beyond stomach discomfort and many food sensitivities, you can get brain fog, extreme fatigue, weight loss, and many other symptoms. Here is an article I wrote on this topic (after spending hundreds of hours of research !)

Here is the good news. There are H. pylori natural remedies- no antibiotics or PPIs (antiacid meds) involved.

The goal is to eliminate the risk of getting cancer and other health complications from these bacteria. 

And I do have a protocol that is easy to follow and it takes 2-3 weeks. It worked for me and it worked for my clients who worked with me to eliminate this infection.  It involves diet and supplements ( backed by research studies).  Studies found that certain herbs have comparable efficacy with prescription antibiotics. More details about the many H pylori symptoms here, about standard treatment with antibiotics and the best tests here and about h pylori natural remedies here. I also have a plan to prevent re-infection or other digestive complications.

Here are the 4 steps to follow: 

  1. Get tested and see if you have this infection.

  2. Decide whether you want to use prescription meds or natural therapies (if you have no/little symptoms it is worth trying natural supplements first)

  3. If you want a natural, effective alternative to antibiotics, email me to arrange a consultation.

  4. After following the protocol I recommend (or taking the prescription meds), get tested again to confirm eradication.



A quick tip for parents

Should you treat H pylori overgrowth in children? 

I get this question sometimes. Here is my answer: most of the time, children need very little support (diet and probiotics) to eliminate this infection, especially when they have no symptoms.  In fact, many children have the ability to clear up these bacteria on their own. 


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